Dr Darren Holden
Non-Executive Chair
BSc (Hons), PhD
Dr Holden is a geologist and experienced director of 25 years of worldwide experience in mineral discovery and mineral exploration technologies.
Dr Holden is currently a Non-Executive Director of Aurumin Limited (ASX: AUN). He has previously been a director of ABM Resources NL (ASX:PRX), an alternative director of Todd River Resources Limited (ASX:TRT) and Clancy Exploration Limited (ASX:CLY).
Currently, Dr Holden runs GeoSpy Pty Ltd, a private mineral exploration advisory business with clients in Western Australia New South Wales, British Columbia and Fiji. He is a member in good standing of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Dr Holden was appointed as a Director on 27 October 2021.
Dr Holden is not considered to be an independent Director as he is a substantial holder of the Company.
Mr Brett Hazelden
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Mr Hazelden is a Metallurgist who brings over 25 years’ experience serving the Australasian resources industry. His experience includes being a Company Director, Managing Director, CEO, Project Manager, Study Manager and originally a Metallurgist in an operating environment.
Mr Hazelden brings a diverse range of capabilities from exploration, project development studies, research and development, project approvals, offtake agreements, equity raising, debt financing plus mergers and acquisitions. He has worked across multiple commodities including potash, gold, copper, zinc, lead, iron ore, tungsten, salt, diamond and now rare earth sectors. Most recently, Brett was the Co-founder and Managing Director/CEO of Kalium Lakes (ASX:KLL).
Mr Hazelden was appointed as a Director on 1 April 2022.
Mr Hazelden is not considered to be an independent Director as he is engaged in an executive capacity.

Mr Piers Lewis
Non-Executive Director
Mr Lewis has over 25 years corporate advisory experience with various ASX companies and Investment Banks. He founded SmallCap Corporate, which provides corporate advisory, IPO management, CFO and company secretary services.
Mr Lewis is currently Non-Executive Director and Company Secretary for a number of ASX listed companies, including Non-Executive Chair of Aurumin Ltd (ASX: AUN), and Non-Executive Director of Noronex Ltd (ASX: NRX), company secretary of Grange Resources Limited (ASX: GRR) and Almonty Industries Inc. (ASX: AII). Mr Lewis has also held senior management roles with Credit Suisse (London), Mizuho International, ABN Amro and NAB Capital.
Mr Lewis was appointed as a Director on 27 October 2021.
Although Mr Lewis holds Securities in the Company and will receive Incentive Options, Mr Lewis is considered to be an independent Director.
Dr Mitch Loan
Non-Executive Director
BSc (First Class Honours), PhD Curtin University, AAICD
Dr Loan is a mining executive with over 20 years experience. Mitch has diverse experience in operational, commercial, strategy, stakeholder management, governance and technical and corporate development across the minerals industry. Dr Loan is currently the Global Director of Strategy and Business Development for Alcoa, a leading mine to metal Aluminium company.
Dr Loan was appointed as a Director on 12 April 2022.
Although Dr Loan will receive Incentive Options and Performance Options, Dr Loan is considered to be an independent Director.

Mr Joel Ives
Joint Company Secretary
B.Com, CA
Mr Ives is a Chartered Accountant who has held numerous roles as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary of private and public start-up technology and resource exploration companies. He has assisted a number of ASX listing, via both IPOs and RTOs and has ensured ongoing regulatory compliance post-listing.
Mr Ives is currently a Company Secretary of DigitalX Ltd (ASX:DCC), Kuniko Limited (ASX: KNI) and Green Technology Metals Limited (ASX:GT1) and Joint Company Secretary of Harvest Technology Group Limited (ASX:HTG). OliveX Holdings Limited (NSX:OLX).
Mr Troy Cavanagh
Joint Company Secretary
B.Com, CA
Mr Cavanagh is a Chartered Accountant with 15 years’ experience in the accounting and corporate finance industry. He is the founding director of LCP Group, which specialises in accounting, taxation and IPO management and provides CFO and company secretary services to a range of ASX listed and large private entities.
Mr Cavanagh has performed roles as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary of various private resource exploration and technology companies, assisting with strategy, governance and dealings with other ASX listed entities.